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Headline Outcomes

The headline outcomes are the key macroeconomic indicators that are most closely linked to the overall aims of the Industrial Strategy - creating an economy that boosts productivity and earning power throughout the UK.

In developing the series of success measures, the Council sought to strike a balance between maintaining a high-level overview of progress and being comprehensive enough to cover the aspects of the Industrial Strategy.

The long-term nature of the Industrial Strategy’s policies means that it will take time for the Industrial Strategy to move the dial on many of these metrics and will be very difficult to identify a causal link. However, the Council are confident these are the metrics that should improve in response to a successful Industrial Strategy.

Data gaps

Health metrics with empirical importance for productivity growth

Self-employed earnings

Natural capital (stock-based measure)

Explore the Council’s interactive data tools


Indicators of progress towards the aims of the Industrial Strategy’s Foundations of Ideas, People, Infrastructure and Business Environment

Grand Challenges

Indicators of progress in the context of the Industrial Strategy’s Grand Challenges of Artificial Intelligence and Data, Ageing Society, Clean Growth and Future of Mobility

Sector Deals

Key macroeconomic indicators at a sectoral level

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