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1.1 Earnings


Growth in nominal earnings has picked up in recent years, but higher inflation means the trend has been muted in real terms. The prevailing gender pay gap is also shown. Inner London is shown to have the highest earnings in 2019, relative to the rest of Great Britain. The cost of living is also highest within inner London. Resolution Foundation data shows the pay trajectory of millennials is largely tracking that of generation X. Those millennials who have so far reached their 30s are earning less than their generation X counterparts at the same age.

Indicator 1.1.1 — Gross weekly earnings, adjusted for inflation

Indicator 1.1.1 presents weekly earnings for the UK. All employees on adult rates of pay unaffected by absence are included regardless of working pattern. Metrics 1.1.1a and 1.1.1c are adjusted to 2019 prices using the annual Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers’ housing (CPIH) costs. Data are from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings.

Caution should be taken when drawing any conclusion from comparisons across the time series because ASHE was the subject of a discontinuity in 2011 when new occupation codes were introduced.

Metric 1.1.1b — Gross median weekly earnings, adjusted for inflation, UK by local authority, 2019 (£)

Source: ONS

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Indicator 1.1.2 — Gross median weekly earnings by age and generation, adjusted for inflation

Indicator 1.1.2 presents Resolution Foundation data on median hourly earnings adjusted for inflation using ONS Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (1997 - 2018), and the New Earnings Survey (1957 - 97). Data are adjusted to 2018 prices.

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